Who's Who

Mr Nick Avey

Head Teacher


The Headteacher is a governor by virtue of their position, ex officio

Mrs Emma Worskett

Chair of Governors - Co-opted Governor


Chair of Governors
Member of Headteacher Performance Management Panel
Lead Governor: Curriculum
Mrs Worskett’s term of office ends on 5 November 2027

Mrs Khobi Patterson-Vallis

Vice Chair of Governors - Co-opted Governor

Vice-Chair of Governors
Lead Governor: SEND/Inclusion
Member of Headteacher Performance Management Panel
Miss Vallis' term of office ends on 3 May 2025

Miss Kelly Bourne

Staff Governor

Miss Bourne's term of office ends on the 6th February 2026

Mr Rich Moore

Parent Governor

Finance Governor
Member of Pay Committee
Mr Moore's term of office ends on the 6th February 2026

Mr Alex Patterson-Vallis

Co-opted Governor

Member of Headteacher's Performance Panel
Lead Governor: Safeguarding
Mr Patterson's term of office ends on 11 October 2025

Mr Phillip Sarginson

Co-opted Governor

Mr Sarginson's term of office ends 18th October 2027

Mrs Sophie Jones

Co-opted Governor

Mrs Jones' term of office ends 18th October 2027

Mrs Emma Milnes

Parent Governor

Mrs Milnes term of office ends 26th June 2028

Mrs Ruth Coward

Clerk to Governors
