Our Governing Body Structure

Our Governing Body Structure


The following is a list of the different types of Governor to be found at Rusper Primary School, as laid down by our Instrument of Government. We currently have 10 governor positions with some vacancies. The Governing Body has decided to elect each category of governor for a period of four years after which time a new election or nomination must take place.


The Chair and Vice Chairs of the Governing Body are elected annually by governors at the first full governing body meeting of the school year. Our current Chair of Governors is Mrs Emma Worskett who can be contacted through the school office.


We currently have a great team of governors and we are working hard to ensure that all pupils at Rusper receive the best education they can. 



The Full Governing Body currently meets twice every term (once every half-term). In addition, we have a Pay Committee who meet annually to consider the appraisal recommendations of all staff members. The Headteacher’s appraisal is carried out by the Headteacher Performance Management Panel.


Pay Committee Members:

Mr Rich Moore, Mr Khobi Patterson-Vallis, Mr Nick Avey


Headteacher Performance Management Panel:

Mrs Emma Worskett, Mr Alex Patterson-Vallis



Every year, all governors are required to review the Governors’ Code of Conduct and renew their commitment to it. Each individual governor is a member of the governing body, which is established in law as a corporate entity. Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the governing body; decisions are the joint responsibility of the full governing body.  




  • Headteacher

The Headteacher of the school is automatically a governor by virtue of their office and they have the right of attendance at all governing body meetings.


  • Staff (1 position)

Staff Governors are elected by ballot by the teachers and other staff employed at school.


  • Local Authority (LA) Governor (1 position)

An LA governor is appointed by the Local Authority.


  • Parent (2 positions)

Parent Governors are elected by ballot by the parents of children attending our school.


  • Co-opted (5 positions)

Co-opted governors are appointed by the governing body. They are people who in the opinion of the governing body have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.