Schools are required to publish information about the performance of pupils in tests and assessments at the end of Key Stage 2 - Year 6. These are indicators of overall academic performance across the school.
Information is presented about attainment: the scores / levels each pupil gets as averages and percentages.
Information is also presented about progress: the measurement of value added to each pupil over a period time from a previous assessment. Progress is measured from KS1 to KS2 for every child and then averaged to give combined score for the whole Y6 cohort in each subject. If a pupil makes expected progress from KS1 to KS2 they will end with a score of zero. Any pupil making more than expected progress will generate a positive score and conversely, less than expected progress will equal a negative score.
Also included here is a summary of information regarding pupil attainment at Year 2, Phonics at Year 1 and 2 and EYFS Profile Scores.