Who's Who

Mr Nick Avey

Head Teacher


The Headteacher is a governor by virtue of their position, ex officio

Mrs Emma Worskett

Chair of Governors - Co-opted Governor


Chair of Governors
Member of Headteacher Performance Management Panel
Lead Governor: Curriculum
Mrs Worskett’s term of office ends on 5 November 2027

Mrs Khobi Patterson-Vallis

Vice Chair of Governors - Co-opted Governor

Vice-Chair of Governors
Lead Governor: SEND/Inclusion
Mrs Patterson-Vallis' term of office ends on 3 May 2025

Miss Kelly Bourne

Staff Governor

Miss Bourne's term of office ends on the 6th February 2026

Mr Alex Patterson-Vallis

Co-opted Governor

Member of Headteacher's Performance Panel
Lead Governor: Safeguarding
Mr Patterson's term of office ends on 11 October 2025

Mr Phillip Sarginson

Co-opted Governor

Mr Sarginson's term of office ends 18th October 2027

Mrs Sophie Jones

Co-opted Governor

Mrs Jones' term of office ends 18th October 2027

Mrs Emma Milnes

Parent Governor

Mrs Milnes term of office ends 26th June 2028
Lead Governor: Disadvantaged

Clerk to Governors
