Pupil Assessments and Reports

During the summer term the following assessments take place in school.
1.        Early Years Foundation Stage    for all pupils in Gruffalo
2.        Phonics Screen     for all pupils in Y1 and for those pupils in Y2 who didn’t meet the expected standard in Y1
3.        Multiplication Tables Check   all pupils in Y4
4.        KS2 National Curriculum Assessments in Reading, Writing, Math  all pupils in Y6


More information


  1.        These are assessments made by the teacher for each child against all of the Early Learning Goals. They are made using evidence gathered across the Reception year. The child is not tested and is not aware they are being assessed. These assessments are finalised at the latest by 24th June. Each child’s assessments will be reported to their respective parents in the end of year report.


  1.        These are short tests carried out by one adult with one pupil at a time. The children have to read 40 real or nonsense words, using their knowledge of the phonemes (sounds) and graphemes (written letters/words) that they have been taught. There is a pass mark – usually 32 out of 40. They are made fun and engaging for pupils. Each child’s score will be reported to their respective parents. These are due to take place in week commencing 10th June. The results of these tests will be shared with parents in the end of year reports.


  1.        These are short online tests carried out on tablets. There are 25 x table statements to complete accurately, with 6 second intervals between each one. Children work in small groups (3s) with a teacher, and an tablets each. There is a pass mark, but this is not yet available to schools. These are due to take place in week commencing 10th June. Each child’s score will be reported to their respective parents in the end of year report.


  1.        Pupils are tested in Reading, Maths and Punctuation, Grammar and Spelling – these are the SATs. These tests are marked externally and results are published to the school. School performance is published nationally. Each child’s results (in the form of level – see bold below, and in the form of standardised scores) will be reported to their respective parents. These took place in week commencing 13th May. There will also be assessments in writing and science. These will be made by the teacher for each pupil against the national curriculum frameworks. They are made using evidence of independent work gathered across the year. Each child’s assessments will be reported to their respective parents as either ‘meeting the expected standard’ or ‘working towards the expected standard’, ‘working below the expected standard’ or ‘working at greater depth’. 25% of all primary schools have teacher judgements externally moderated (quality assured). 
Occasionally, pupils might not be working at a level sufficient to independently access the assessments. It is the school's responsibility to decide if a pupil should actually do the assessment. In line with official guidance from the Standards and Testing Agency, it is our policy to not enter pupils for a test they can't access. In such cases, the school will notify parents of the decision to not enter their child for a specific assessment. 
Below are blank examples of our end of year report to parents formats.
The completed reports for each child will be published on 19th July 2024